When we started the design of web page was finished but

When we met Mirror Multimedia, the firm had an innovative product but known to narrow group of architects and interior designers. The web page development was finalizing.

Mirror Multimedia offers innovative solution in modern interior design. Recently, a tv set has been located on an honor place but now the trend is to hide it, so that it does not dominate the interior. Mirror Multimedia has a technology which enables to hide a tv set behind the mirror or in furniture. Just invisible tv set in your kitchen, leaving or sleeping room or even bathroom.

We took the challenge.

The product is unknown in Poland.

Mirror Multimedia is not known in Poland despite of its expertise.

We have to build product awareness and build Mirror Multimedia brand taking into account limited resources of a small firm.

We took the challenge. Check what we have done.


  • added certain functionalities to almost finished website.
  • defined target group and then a wide range of phrases which were interesting to our target
  • rebuilt texts in the whole service
  • reorganized the website technically and performed many other supporting activities
  • communicated product in new media
  • prepared a plan for coming activities.

The page did not existed in search results. After 3 months the page reaches first places in searches and in some cases it is number one. The traffic from browser is constantly increasing.

Notwithstanding, we executed a number of content marketing activities. Media write about Mirror Multimedia and it is shared in social media. We hope that traditional media will get interest in hidden tvs.

The number of queries about the product multiplied in last three months.

Mirror Multimedia is a classic example of building not only brand awareness but also product awareness. One can spend millions for media, but it proves that it is possible to effectively build both brand and product awareness building leader position with a limited budget.

We know how to do that. Contact us